In 1967, Our grandparents has started a family business - bicycle shop in Ban Bung, Chonburi, During that time, they only focus on the commute bike and service. Then Mr. Surapon
Kongpisutpaisan has taken over the business and expanded the market into exercise cyclist. He offered all types of bicycle and accessories which later on become the largest bicycle shop in
that area.
In 2014, Family business then evolve into a corporate type which offer more selective hi-end brands and accessories with professional services.The company also has its own bicycling team,
which the staff who work in the shop are member of the team. Some of them are riders, mechanic and salesperson so they all can be trusted adviser for the customer
บริการขาย-ซ่อมจักรยานทุกประเภท เสือภูเขา เสือหมอบ รวมทั้งรับทำฟิตติ้งแบบ Body Geometr. แบรนด์ที่มีในร้าน Specialized, Infinite, Orbea, Cervelo, Colnago, Ridleym Ritte, Louis Garneur